"Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.”
Jane Smiley
Man, have I been absent this month. Life is just so busy right now - or should I say work... Take this weekend: I had a 24 hour shift on Saturday and came home Sunday morning only to spend the whole day recovering. Try reading when you are tired. And on Monday I was back at work. The little free time I have I use for things like grocery shopping. I still got some reading done but I hardly found time for blogging.
So please, excuse my absence.
But let's talk about April. Let's just say I did not as well as last month. I listened to 3 audiobooks and finished reading 2 books. That's a little sad even for me.
My favorites this month:
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
I loved this book. The world is interesting, the characters are interesting, and even though the book is quite big I flew through it. With my next book haul I will pick up "The Mime Order".
Best Fake Smile by James Bay
I bought his LP because of "Hold Back The River" and even though I still love that song, I like this one even more. It's so catchy!
TV Show
Game of Thrones
That should not be a surprise. I will never forget how I stumbled over this series when the first season aired in Germany a few years back. I was just zapping, while there were commercials on the channel that I was watching, and I did not even plan on getting into the story but that show just sucked me in.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Now that is a SURPRISE! I am not a fan of the book series. I tried to read it at the beginning of the month but I found the writing just horrible (and how many times can you "bite on your lips"?!). After a hundred pages I quit and I did not plan on watching the movie. The only reason I did, was my friend asking me to go with her (and her boyfriend BEGGING me to go with her). I have to say, I was pleasently surprised. It is not the best movie ever but it caught my interest and I even want to know what happens in the second movie. I count that as a win.
How was your month?
PS.: I wanted to say "Fast&Furious 7" as favorite movie but Vin Diesel is just not a good enough actor to replace Paul Walker. Diesel's acting was really cringe-worthy.
R.I.P. Paul Walker. You are missed.