"Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.”
Jane Smiley
This is the second book of The Silver Trilogy by Kerstin Gier. It has no official English title, yet, but the German title roughly translates to: “Silver: The Second Book of Dreams”.
We continue on with the story that was started in the first book. Liv is still going to school and, more important, still dreaming. Unfortunately, this book does not get any better than the first. I am still missing a real storyline. While I like the fact that, unlike The Ruby Red Trilogy, each book has an ending, I do not see the bigger storyline at all.
We get introduced to a new character: Senator Tod. Unfortunately, as soon as the mystery of who that person is, is revealed, he gets tossed aside. We also learn more about Henry’s family. There is so much potential here but it is all wasted. What I did like about the second installment is the storyline around Liv’s sister Mia who starts to sleepwalk. Unfortunately, it could not hide the big holes in the idea of this trilogy.
I will listen to the last book when it comes out but this trilogy is nowhere near as good as the Ruby Red Trilogy.
Release date of the English version: to be announced.