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Dark Destiny by Jennifer Benkau - Review

Dark Destiny - Jennifer Benkau

“Dark Destiny” is the sequel to Benkau’s “Dark Canopy”, a book I read in April 2014. I enjoyed the first book a lot but I thought I had been spoiled for the second book (which turned out to be untrue) and therefore had not picked up the sequel of this duology. What a mistake! I should have read this book so much sooner.


“Dark Canopy” and “Dark Destiny” are dystopian books that take place in the future of Europe. The main character Joy is a human who lives as a rebel since all humans are being dominated by Percents. Percents were created out of human DNA to heal human sickness and as organ donators for humans. But at one point the Percents had taken over and are now the dominating race.


I am not going into more details since this book is written by a German author and has not been translated. If you speak German you can read the synopsis on Goodreads or anywhere else. I also will keep this review short since I cannot talk about the second book without giving away any spoilers.


I enjoyed reading the second book. I was most pleasantly surprised when I noticed that the fact that I thought I was spoiled about was untrue. It made the sequel so much better. We read about the same main characters as in the first book but the dynamics had changed a lot. I liked the direction where the story went, unfortunately, I found the end a little abrupt. Or, not abrupt but there was so much more that could have been told. There was the potential for a whole third book. So much more to tell and show. It felt a little rushed in the end. Maybe it was meant to be a trilogy and had to be shortened into a duology, but all in all I liked this book very much.


I can recommend this book to any German speaking reader who enjoys dystopian books. Do not be scared about how thick the book appears, the pages are thick. Wholeheartedly four stars.